/ 20.11.11 /
This past weekend was monumental in figuring out what exactly it is that I want to do with the rest of my life. I'm currently in school studying business more out of lack of interest in the sciences that anything else. You see the Nigerian tradition is that you go to university in hopes of becoming either a doctor, lawyer or accountant .

I was sure that I did not want to be a doctor as I hate biology with an immense passion. I was unsure of the other two designations as in high school I had been unable to take any law or accountancy courses. Due to this, I figured my best bet was to get an undergraduate degree in business and then pick either of the two when I had a better understanding of what these career paths would entail. 

As time has progressed I have noticed that I am not too fond of accountancy and I do not particularly enjoy the idea of still being in school several years after my undergraduate degree before I can start working as a lawyer. One career option that has arisen in my mind is Investment Banking. The prestige of the position along with the hefty paychecks are two of the main factors that drew me to the career. I know it is extremely competitive and will have long hours but I am so determined to make my parents proud. They have done so much for me and there is nothing I want more than for them to see me in 10 years and think that all of the money and time they spend was worth it. 


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